Saturday, March 8, 2014

Chasing Sexy... Chasing You

Sexy is defined in Websters Dictionary as "having interesting or appealing qualities".

Well, isn't that what we all want in ourselves and even in our significant other. I know, I know... you hear the word sexy and somehow your selective hearing only heard the word sex. So let's all start remembering that "Sexy" is not just about appearance or the desire for someone else, but about having qualities that can make you happy everyday. Chasing Sexy is just that. Chasing the most interesting and appealing qualities in yourself. So in retrospect, your chasing yourself.

It's funny, I have been wanting to start this blog for a while and I kept putting it off. But this last month there have been so many little signs reminding about what "Sexy" really is. We often divert our minds to think of our appearance and what we seek in others. The way they walk, talk, dress, smell, think and so forth. In fact,  just recently a women in Ohio, changed her name to "Sexy", because she thought it would make her feel "more sexy". When truly we all are "Sexy". In our own way, each of us carries interesting and appealing qualities. When it comes down to it, being "Sexy" is what makes you happy and how you showcase your best qualities.

So on this journey to "Chasing Sexy",  be ready to put on those running shoes, and chase yourself. Be ready to chase dreams, find yourself and to dish on some non-erotic, self indulging qualities!

Chasing Sexy..... Cause, Sexy is Chasing You!!

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